Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Love at first sight p6

back at Rece's house Karen: So when are you seeing El again Steve: El who is El Karen: Rece's new friend ( winking) Steve: Oh right Rece is sat on the floor playing with Esme Rece: I don't know Karen: Well she seems like a really nice girl Esme: is she your girlfriend Rece: Stop it monkey ( tickling her) Esme starts giggling Steve: you still have the money to buy some toys when do you want to go to the toy shop Esme: can we go today Daddy Steve: I have work in little while sweetie but maybe mummy can Karen: I have work as well baby Rece: I can take you Esme: Really Receie Rece: Yep Karen: OK but don't let her get anything rediculas Rece: I wan't come on then monkey lets get your shoes on Steve: Don't spoil her Rece: I wan't Rece Helps Esme get her summer shoes on then puts his own on Rece:come on then sweetie ( taking her hand) Rece Puts Esme in to her car seat when his phone starts ringing Rece: Hello? El: Hey Rece its El am calling from the house phone am bored what you up to? Rece: Am just taking Esme to the Toy's r us El: Oh right shame Rece: Well I could swing by and pick you up on the way could come with us El: Yeah alright then better than being in ok see you in a bit Rece: Ok be about 15 mins ( puts the phone down) Right we are going to swing by and pick El Esme: Swing where? Rece: go to Els house Es Esme: Do I have alot of money Rece? Rece: Enough to by a dolly if you wanted a dolly Esme: really Rece: Yep and maybe some more to buy some dolly clothes they reach ...

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