Sunday, May 22, 2011

A new life in A New School- Lolena Story (Part 2) (One-shot)

Starring: Selena Gomez as Danielle Logan Lerman as William Miley Cyrus as Jessica Continuation the story from Part 1: Jessica was shocked with her mouth hung open. I looked at the guy and he was looking at Jessica like a lion wants to eat a deer. "Why are you letting her sit beside you, Will?" Jessica asked him, with her watery eyes and looked as if she wanted to cry. "Jess, will you cut out the act? I don't like girls act out their attitude. Will you just be yourself?" William said, getting tired of Jessica's attitude. "William, I don't think that she is acting out. Her attitude is really herself. She is born in a rich family that's why. I think I should let her sit here with you because I'm not suitable to be with the rich people. I'm just a plain and a total loser to all of you." I said, grabbing my bag again to go to another seat. William grabbed my bag again and put it down to the chair. What's with him? My heart was wondering why did he do that to his girlfriend. "Will....she had already said that she will not be sitting here and she said that she is not suitable with us." Jessica said, touching William's arm gently. "Don't touch me! I want her to sit with me and I mean it." William said, pushing Jessica's hand away. "Why are you treating me this way, Will?" Jessica asked, tears stung to her eyes. "William, I say let Jessica sit with you. Please, I preferred to sit other place but not with you and your gang." I said as I grabbed my bag again and hang it on my ...

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