Friday, June 17, 2011

Fairytales Happen {One Shot}

Okay another one shot for MellyMusicIsMyLife contest. Hope you enjoy it. I thought it was adorable. Aw Romance. Quinn's POV Great. It was our high schools 10 year reunion. When I was in high school I went out with this boy, you probably know him, his name is Justin Bieber. He said he loved me but he cheated. I walked out on him the night he did, I never looked back. See I really still love him but he has a pretty girlfriend right now named Polly. I honestly didn't want to go but something inside me said, Quinn you know that you want to see Justin even though he ripped your heart out and did the cha cha slide on it. I would always respond to myself saying, Quinn shut the hell up. Tonight was the night. I would see his face again. I would fall for that smile. I would fall for that voice. I would fall all over again just to get my heart rebroken. |High School Reunion| I walked through the glass doors and into the gymnasium. I saw so many people at once saying, "Hi, it's been forever," and "Wow you sure grew up to look hot." Now that one made me laugh because I used to be 'bigger' than most girls in high school, 200 pounds to be exact. All the other girls were around 115. Maybe that's why he cheated, I was fat. Just then my eyes caught a glimpse of the boy or man, whatever floats your boat. He turned his head and saw me. I wanted to pause this moment and record it. He got up and walked towards me. I didn't think I could do this anymore, so I ran towards the elevator. He ...

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